SMETA Explained: The Pillars of Ethical Trade Audits by Sedex

Introduction: Businesses increasingly face the onus of being held accountable for their ethical and sustainable practices. SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit) is an extremely valuable framework for encouraging transparency and responsibility in supply chains. SMETA ensures that labor crosscutting issues and business ethics are maintained at the highest levels. This is done while monitoring a company’s compliance with ethical trade standards.

This article discusses the importance, process, and advantages of SMETA while explaining why it has become a must for companies wishing to gain confidence and reputation in competitive markets.

GSCS Genetic Code of Ethics Audit

GSCS has developed its generic social audit program based on the universal code of ethics for all customers. At the minimum, we require that all clients of GSCS should be meet the following standards

GSCS clients will not use child labor. Production facilities that employ employees less than 16 years of age would be considered in violation of the code of conduct and subject to immediate termination of the contract.

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C-TPAT Certification and Audit for Boost Supply Chain Security

Introduction: Securing your supply chain is essential in today’s globalized trade context. Businesses have to worry about terrorism, natural disasters, security issues, and a hundred different ways goods can be compromised. One of the best active methods to strengthen security is with C-TPAT Certification and its verifiable processes. Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) is a program that the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) manages to assist businesses in mitigating vulnerability along the supply chain while reaping plenty of benefits. 

The Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) is a voluntary supply chain security program led by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and focused on improving the security of private companies' supply chains with respect to terrorism. We perform supply chain security audits against all Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) global and regional requirements.

As part of enforcing and adhering to the international supply chain security standards, companies must assess their supply chain to identify, mitigate and eliminate potential security risks.

This article will discuss the importance of C-TPAT Certification, its inner workings, its benefits, and how C-TPAT audits enhance security in business organizations.

Optimizing Supply Chain Transparency through SLCP Audits

Introduction: SLCP Audits, or Social and Labor Convergence Programs, allow businesses to idealize and follow ethical social and labor practices across their entire supply chain. Due to the ever-growing consumer consciousness and regulatory pressures, brands are now forced to adopt sustainable and ethical practices across their supply chains. The (SLCP) audits have developed into an important instrument to improve the transparency of the supply chain and nurture stakeholder trust.

The objective of SLCP is to improve social and labor conditions by reducing the number of social and labor audits. This eliminates audits fatigue, enables data comparison, and frees up resources for improvement programs.

This article covers everything, including SLCP audits, their importance in the supply chain, and how to implement them within an organization using an SLCP gateway, an SLCP audit checklist, and processes.


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