about us

Company Profile
Our Coxswain

Our Coxswain

He was born in Chakrajapur, one of Rajshahi Zilla's rural villages. To be honest, he had to thrive his existence in absence of any basic amenities, such as no electricity during the day or night, and no appropriate road access between home and school. These conditions in his hamlet have not changed despite its isolation and geographic disadvantages. Furthermore, the people are concerned about their families every year because this community, particularly the CHAR areas, is frequently flooded.

We are talking about none other than the very talented, phenomenal, wunderkind, Managing Director, and coxswain of GSCS International Ltd., Mr. Abdul Mottaleb.

Coming from the most destitute and underprivileged societal background of a third-world country like Bangladesh, he has shown the world a paradigm of self-sufficiency through his every step.

Starting from a very scratch, he has built GSCS International Ltd., a well-reputed and sprouting Auditing and Certification Body rounding the world.

In his words “Today GSCS works to add up with 12 Sustainable Development Goals directly and all of them indirectly through their schemes. Sustainability is the key to livelihood in today’s world and GSCS believes that with quality services of sustainability standards, we can make a difference in sustainability movement.”

Quality Policy

GSCS International Ltd. has established a policy to ensure the quality in every level of its activities as follows-

  • GSCS International Ltd. shall consistently serve its client with the highest level of ethics, integrity, confidentiality, impartially and accountability to ensure quality.
  • GSCS International Ltd. shall consistently ensure the client’s expectation and satisfaction through maintaining standard’s requirements and continioul organizational improvement.
  • Any internal or external unethical issue shall be treated as Zero Tolerance by GSCS International Ltd.
  • GSCS shall ensure the competencies and necessary resources to the personnel related to its services for ensuring the quality.

This procedure is to identify the methods for ensuring GSCS Board, management, staffs, inspector/auditor and contractors are impartial and remain so during all dealings with any clients, potential clients and at all times during the certification and evaluation process. All staff and inspectors working for and on behalf of the company have signed a code of conduct and confidentiality agreement as well as declared all interest within and outside of the company. This procedure relates to these members whilst directly working for GSCS and during any dealings with actual or potential clients during and at all times outside business hours

GSCS Managing Director, CEO and staffs are fully committed to ensuring that all operation and activities are impartial. Any relationships between individuals employed by or contracted to GSCS with other organizations or individuals will be declared, reviewed, documented and risk assessed. GSCS does not allow commercial, financial or other pressures to compromise the impartiality of its personnel and its responsibility for the impartiality of its certification activities.

Introduction To review and resolve the internal and external appeals and complaints and to take whatever action is required to prevent a recurrence of that deficiency. This procedure shall cover the following:

Receipt of formal appeal & complaints from GSCS registered operator/applicants;

Receipt of a formal appeal & complaints from a user of the GSCS registered client.

Receipt of a formal appeal & complaints from a client, vendor, brands etc.

Receipt of a formal appeal & complaints from a GSCS Overseas offices

Receipt of verbal appeal & complaints and anonymous complaints.

If file reviewer does not agree with the Lead auditor/inspector’s recommendation, this is subject to the internal appeals/ complaint process.

It is GSCS’s commitment to engage in businesses in an honest and ethical manner. GSCS implements a zero-tolerance to bribery and corruption. GSCS is committed to dealing with people professionally, fairly and with integrity wherever we operate, and implementing and enforcing effective systems to impede bribery and corruption. GSCS upholds all laws relevant in countering bribery and corruption in all the territories in which it operates. GSCS employees shall not engage in any form of bribery, either directly or through any third party. Specifically, they shall not bribe nor receive bribe anywhere in the world. GSCS auditors shall not be approached outside of the audit period such as, but not limited to, in their homes, hotel, or any place for any other reason than the audit. GSCS auditors may not accept rides to the client’s location or from client location to any destination. Transportation on provided by the client will only be allowed in circumstances where alternative transportation is not available or other factors such as proximity remain. In such cases, the auditor shall inform and get approval from GSCS Head Office or the local officer supervisor. All GSCS employees shall not offer or give any gift or hospitality: To anyone which could be regarded as illegal or improper, or which violates the recipient’s own policies.